The following represents a partial list of past and present projects. Please contact us for additional information.
State Climate Resilience Strategy Development
New Mexico (2023-2024)
Shoreline Risk is supporting Adaptation International in the development of a state climate resilience plan. Led by the state's Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD), the effort utilizes multi-stakeholder collaboration workshops to identify critical resilience challenges and effective strategies to mitigate them. The strategy will support the state's Hazard Mitigation Plan currently under FEMA review.

Americares (2023)
Shoreline Risk supported Americares efforts to develop a Theory of Change, project interventions, and a monitoring and evaluation framework for a multi-year climate equity project. Support included interviews with internal and external stakeholders, facilitation of collaboration exercises, and drafting of multiple strategic support reports.
Humanitarian Sector Risk Management Capacity Building
InterAction (2023)
Shoreline Risk developed a comprehensive capacity assessment tool to support InterAction's organizational risk management summary findings report "Responding Amid Uncertainty and Managing Risk in Humanitarian Settings" (published June 2022). The dynamic tool uses a set of 77 assessment indicators to measure the likelihood that an organization is affected by one or more of eight 'risk management traps' and whether it will benefit from one or more areas of 'strategic change'.

Baylor University (2022)
Shoreline Risk and Critical Functions LLC conducted a comprehensive review of Baylor University's interdepartmental response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The AAR included interviews with almost 50 internal and external stakeholders, facilitated and asynchronous workshops, and a detailed review of internal and public documents. A 130-page narrative report, inclusive of recommendations across ten resilience themes, was provided.

World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) (2021 - 2022)
Shoreline Risk Developed a 2-day workshop to support the WMO Crisis Risk and Early Warning Systems (CREWS) development and release of Custom Indicators to advance implementation of Target G of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. The MHEWS workshop was piloted in the Pacific and in Africa before being released worldwide. Workshop materials were featured at the UN Global Platform (GP) for Disaster Risk Reduction in Bali, Indonesia, through a special session dedicated to MHEWS.

Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians (2021-2022)
Shoreline Risk supported Pearce Global Partners in supporting the Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians, a Federally-recognized tribe located in Mendocino County, in advancing disaster resilience efforts. Activities included the establishment of a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), development of a wildfire operations plan, partnership building with other Tribal, County, and Federal emergency management stakeholders, and the development of a Tribal Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Town of Windsor, California (2020 - 2022)
Shoreline Risk supported Adaptation International in the development of a Community Climate Resilience Plan for the Town of Windsor in Sonoma County, California. The community, which had experienced a recent evacuation from an advancing wildfire, placed significant emphasis on the development of transportation plans that increase evacuation efficiency. Detailed risk assessments were conducted for wildfire, firestorm, smoke inhalation, and flood risk given the increasing threat of these hazards because of climate change.

Colorado Resilience Office (CRO) (2020-2021)
Shoreline Risk supported a team of emergency management and climate change adaptation professionals in creating community-focused training and education, including 'just-in-time' resources, for disaster impacted communities throughout Colorado. Resources included pre- and post-disaster recovery toolkits, a 'model recovery ordinance' template tailored to Colorado law, and a review of existing tools.
Emerging and Transformative Technologies
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2019 - 2020)
Shoreline Risk developed all instructional materials to support an in-person one-week multi-stakeholder workshop for national governments focused on the use of emerging and transformative technologies for disaster risk reduction and resilience. The course details a broad range of technologies including distributed ledgers, unmanned vehicles, artificial intelligence and machine learning, additive manufacturing, and much more. An 800-page toolkit was created to accompany the course.

US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (2018-2019)
Shoreline Risk developed a 3-hour higher education course module for the FEMA Emergency Management Institute that enables the inclusion of DSCA and related topics in existing FEMA Higher Education courses. The course content supports the civilian local and state government perspectives, and translates the vast military guidance and doctrine on US Military disaster support options into a format that serves the needs of this audience.

Lac du Flambeau Reservation, WI (2018 - 2019)
Shoreline Risk is supporting Bullock & Haddow LLC and Adaptation International in the update of a FEMA-approved community hazard mitigation plan. Shoreline Risk is leading risk assessment and analysis efforts on this project, which seek to closely integrate Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) efforts. The LDF Tribal Government seeks to establish through this project a series of mitigation and adaptation strategies that are more closely linked to local development and cultural goals and objectives. Significant collaboration with local counterparts is being utilized to achieve the best possible results.

UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) (2016 - 2018)
Shoreline Risk was contracted by UNISDR to lead the development of "Words into Action" guidance for implementation of the 2015-2030 Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR), and a global Capacity Development Strategic Approach for Disaster Risk Reduction. In both projects, Shoreline Risk utilized consultative processes to capture and incorporate a broad stakeholder perspective, inclusive of online surveys, one-on-one interviews, multi-stakeholder working groups, and regional and global consultations. These efforts have produced a variety of strategic action plans that are serving to further the Sendai Framework goal and objectives on a global level.

Major International School (Singapore) (2016 - 2018)
Shoreline Risk conducted a comprehensive internal audit of risk and consequence management systems and structures, including plans. Using standards-based benchmarks, a comprehensive yet non-intrusive resilience gap analysis was performed, which included structured staff and faculty interviews and an analysis of plans, protocols, policies, and reports. This effort enabled the client to develop a long-term enterprise risk management implementation strategy, and to improve the quality and operational capacity of emergency, crisis, and business continuity plans.

International Recovery Platform, Kobe, Japan (2010 - 2017)
Shoreline Risk has consulted with the UN-affiliated International Recovery Platform (IRP) to develop a series of sector-specific disaster recovery planning tools and guidance notes. These documents draw upon the experience of IRP partners and disaster-impacted communities, emphasizing lessons learned and good practices from global recovery operations. Guidance notes were developed along five thematic lines: Private Sector Recovery, Public Infrastructure, Health, Psycho-Social Recovery, and Shelter and Housing. Shoreline Risk participated in National Workshops in Kobe and Sendai, Japan.

US Federal Emergency Management Agency (2014 - 2017)
Shoreline Risk developed a stand-alone, 3 credit-hour, 48 contact-hour, ready-to-teach, classroom-based upper division undergraduate/graduate-level college course entitled Community Disaster Recovery Planning for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA/DHS) Emergency Management Higher Education Program.

New York University Langone Medical Center (2014-2016)
Shoreline Risk is providing program assistance to the New York University Office of Emergency Planning and Enterprise Resilience (EP&ER) to develop a comprehensive employee disaster preparedness program. Shoreline Risk is working with Bullock & Haddow LLC to assess preparedness gaps, to design a program that meets employee needs, preferences, and learning styles, and to administer the campaign once designed and developed.

World Bank / UNISDR / IRP (2014 - 2015)
Shoreline Risk supported a series of panel discussions and working sessions held at both the 2nd World Reconstruction Conference in Washington DC (September 2014) and the World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan (March 2015). These sessions explored the role of the private sector in disaster recovery and the business continuity planning function in recovery and reconstruction. The outcome of these efforts helped to define the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, 2015-2030.

United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (2013-2014)
Shoreline Risk was retained by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction Sub-Regional Office for the Pacific to conduct a review of progress made to date by the Pacific Island Countries in the areas of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. The resulting report served as a centerpiece for the 6th Asia Ministerial Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) and has continued to inform Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction discussions.
UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (2013 - 2014)
Shoreline Risk supported the International Recovery Platform and the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction in assessing and reporting on progress made to-date on Hyogo Framework for Action Priority for Action (PFA) 5 / Core Indicator (CI) 4. This effort sought to determine how countries worldwide have put procedures in place to exchange relevant information during disasters, and to take post-event reviews. The resulting report informed the 2015 Global Assessment Report, and provided recommendations for the Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

US Federal Emergency Management Agency (2012-2014)
Shoreline Risk supported Bullock & Haddow and Coordination and Planning Partners (CaPP - a Joint Venture between ATCS Services, LLC and EDAW/AECOM) in the design and development of seven (7) disaster recovery planning training courses in support of FEMA’s National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF). These courses focus on FEMA Disaster Recovery Cadre positions including the Community Recovery Assistance Specialist, Recovery Outreach Specialist, and Mission Support Specialist and recovery planning such as Managing the NDRF Mission in the Field, Managing Community Recovery Assistance Field Teams, NDRF Coordination, and NDRF Foundational Course.

Cabinet Office of Japan (2012 - 2013)
Shoreline Risk consulted with the International Recovery Platform (IRP) to prepare a Recovery Status Report on the Great East Japan Earthquake that will document the progress, successes, and challenges encountered and/or achieved to date towards the planning and conduct of recovery operations following the Great East Japan Earthquake, specifically in the Miyagi and Iwate Prefectures, across several key sectors to include: debris management; supporting municipality functions; reconstruction planning; infrastructure; shelter; gender and vulnerable groups; and livelihoods and job creation.

Emergency Film Group (2012-2013)
Shoreline Risk provided subject matter expertise on two one-hour training videos for the Emergency Film Group. These videos were part of a comprehensive training program for professional security officers. Shoreline Risk supported the development of the video manuscript, provided technical guidance on content, and reviewed the final video reel prior to production. Video titles included Countering Terrorists and Accident Prevention and Safety.

Savant Learning Systems (2012 - 2013)
Shoreline Risk developed four university-level courses covering a range of emergency management topics. These courses are part of a 10-course advanced-degree program offered at major US universities. Course topics include Introduction to Emergency Management; Management of Terrorist Incidents; Organization of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Structures; and Crisis Communications. Shoreline Risk drafted the course content, provided voice-over narration and lectures, and participated in lecture videos.

CT/NY/NJ/PA Regional Catastrophic Planning Team (2011-2012)
Shoreline Risk supported Bullock & Haddow, ATCS, and PLC-Good Harbor in developing a Training Program Development Plan for the Regional Catastrophic Planning Team (RCPT) focused on disaster logistics. Shoreline Risk was part of a team that conducted a needs assessment, developed a Training Program Framework and Course Outlines, and served as Subject Matter Experts in the development of a leadership video.

FEMA / Emergency Management Institute (2011 - 2013)
Shoreline Risk was retained to revise and update the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Higher Education Program Hazard Risk Management Course. Shoreline Risk staff supported George Washington University in the development of the orignial 2003 iteration of the course, which is designed for use in undergraduate and graduate curricula. The current version of the course is posted on the FEMA Higher Education Program webpage at http://1.usa.gov/1ivORVo or click here:

Snohomish County, WA (2011-2012)
Shoreline Risk supported Bullock & Haddow LLC and Pearce Global Partners, Inc. in developing the Snohomish County (Washington, USA) Pre-Disaster Recovery Framework (PDRF). This included a risk and vulnerability assessment to estimate likely disaster damages, review and evaluation of past recovery processes, identification and prioritization of pre- and post-disaster planning opportunities and actions, and identification of recovery-related regulatory and environmental data needs. This plan supported the effective recovery from the 2014 Oso Mudslide.

Hartford (USA) Capital Region Council of Governments (2011 - 2015)
Shoreline Risk supported Bullock & Haddow LLC and GMMB Inc. in developing a community disaster preparedness program for the capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) in Hartford, CT. This project resulted in the design and implementation of a marketing plan for the Capitol Region that enabled individuals and businesses to take actions that make them better prepared to deal with area hazards.

FEMA / Emergency Management Institute (2011-2013)
Shoreline Risk was retained by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA/DHS) Emergency Management Higher Education Program to support the development of a stand-alone, 3 credit-hour, 48 contact-hour, ready-to-teach, classroom-based upper division undergraduate/graduate-level college course entitled Crisis and Risk Communications.

National Disaster Preparedness Training Center, Hilo, HI (2010 - 2011)
Shoreline Risk provided subject matter expertise to the National Disaster Preparedness Training Center (NDPTC) in Hilo, Hawaii for the development of three disaster preparedness-training courses. Shoreline Risk developed a 16-hour course for Community Leaders that provides an understanding of natural disasters, risk assessment, accepted emergency procedures, and community vulnerability; an 8-hour risk management course for Security Professionals; and an 8-hour course for Caregivers of Senior Citizens.
Cowlitz - Wahkiakum (WA) Council of Governments (2009-2010)
Shoreline Risk supported Bullock & Haddow and Pearce Global Partners Inc. in developing a business disaster resilience program for the Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District. These efforts resulted in the development and implementation of a disaster preparedness training program that enables local businesses operating in the counties served to more effectively prepare for flooding and other disasters likely to occur in the future that could have a negative impact on business operations and local economies.

National Fallen Fire Fighters Foundation (NFFF) (2008 - 2011)
Shoreline Risk supported Bullock & Haddow LLC in the development and management of a program to reduce firefighter line of duty deaths. In the course of the four year project, annual firefighter LODDs fell from almost 130 to approximately 80 per year. Research focused on creating benchmarks for success for the safety program, creation of a targeted outreach program to guide fire safety advocates in promoting safety initiatives, creation of a reporting system for the advocates program, designing a web-based needs assessment tool to identify the tools advocates required, and the conduct of program and performance evaluations for the safety program.

US Federal Emergency Management Agency (2008-2010)
Shoreline Risk was retained by FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute to develop a university level course entitled “National Incident Command Systems.” The 24-month work effort produced a stand-alone, 4 credit-hour, 60 contact-hour, ready-to-teach classroom-based and lab-supported upper division undergraduate/graduate-level college course. The course included close examination of FEMA’s National Incident Management System (NIMS) but also addressed private and nonprofit sector incident management systems.

The World Bank Global Facility for Disaster Risk and Recovery (2006 - 2008)
Shoreline Risk supported the World Bank Global Facility for Disaster Risk and Recovery (formerly the "Hazard Risk Management Team" in establishing a Quick Response Team (QRT) capability. The QRT consists of a small, mobile group of highly trained and experienced staff, drawn from both within and outside the World Bank, who provide rapid assistance to requesting country teams and directly to the governments of disaster-affected nations. Shoreline Risk worked with Bank staff to design the QRT program, identify staffing and skill requirements, to develop standard operating procedures, and develop materials for the QRT web portal and intranet site.

The World Bank, East Asia and the Pacific (2008-2010)
Shoreline Risk was retained by The World Bank’s Eastern Asia and Pacific (EAP) office to develop hazard assessment and risk reduction systems. This included the development of risk assessment training provided to World Bank employees that focused on risk assessment techniques and technologies. Shoreline Risk worked with EAP staff to develop a Concept Note for the development of a comprehensive risk reduction program for the eight countries in Eastern Asia and the Pacific.

US Chamber of Commerce, Business Civic Leadership Center (2008)
Shoreline Risk assisted Bullock & Haddow LLC in the design and facilitation of a Pandemic Flu exercise for the BCLC in partnership with Microsoft, Office Depot, Allstate Insurance, the American Red Cross and UPS. The workshop, entitled “Pandemic Flu – How will Your Community Recover? Seattle, WA Scenario,” involved business continuity professionals from major corporations and local, state and Federal government emergency management and public health officials and was a simulation/training event designed to establish a baseline for the emergency action response expectation by training to specific objectives and then simulating the activation of these problems in an authentic task environment.

City of Newland, NC (USA) (2008)
Shoreline Risk and Bullock & Haddow LLC assisted the City of Newland, NC in developing a Business Stormwater Mitigation How-To Guide designed to prioritize current and future mitigation needs. The guide identified flood prone properties and developed low cost elevation, wet or dry flood-proofing activities that property owners could implement to mitigate future flood damages and reduce life and property loss risks. The guide supported community training workshops for home and business owners whose properties were identified as high flood risk properties