Shoreline Risk offers a broad range of risk and emergency management consulting services. We tailor our assistance to meet your unique needs, from highly-specialized subject matter expertise to full program management. Our principals, partners, and associates are among the most recognized in the profession. Unlike larger firms, we offer you our most capable and experienced staff across the full project lifecycle.

Enterprise Risk Management
Shoreline Risk can help your organization to more effectively control a wide range of hazard, operational, financial, and strategic risks. We will work with you and your staff to assess risk management needs, and then design and implement an effective traditional or enterprise risk management framework. We have experience in both private and public-sector risk management and have helped a wide range of clients including national and local governments, the World Bank, the United Nations, and businesses in the education, healthcare, and hospitality sectors.
Continuous Improvement
Shoreline Risk can design and execute a comprehensive external audit of your risk management, crisis management, or organizational resilience strategy. Whether proactively as a strategic assessment or as an After Action Review (AAR) in the aftermath of a crisis or emergency, we can help you pursue continuous improvement. Our advisors will work with your staff and stakeholders, from executive leadership to external partners, identifying strengths to institutionalize and challenges to overcome. We will leverage established national and international standards to develop a tailored assessment protocol for your sector, your facilities, and your management structure.
Training and Education
We are leaders in emergency management training and education, and can craft a training program that addresses your organization's unique requirements. Our staff have designed and developed courses for the FEMA Emergency Management Institute, the DHS National Training and Education Division, Loma Linda University, and the Corporation for National and Community Service, among others. Our academic and professional texts are currently in use at over 300 universities worldwide, and we have provided personalized training for organizations in the private and nonprofit sectors.
Exercise Design and Facilitation
Exercise design and facilitation is often the only effective way to test and validate plans and programs outside of actual incident response. Our staff will help you to design and deliver exercises that provide meaningful, actionable outcomes, and help you to raise staff awareness and calibrate your plans and programs. We have helped governmental and nongovernmental organizations with their exercise needs, including Clay, Madison, and Mitchell Counties in North Carolina, the FEMA Recovery Directorate and Emergency Management Institute, the US Corporation for National and Community Service, the World Bank, and others.

Values-Based Emergency Management
Shoreline Risk has pioneered an innovative emergency management approach that establishes the preservation of community vision, goals, and objective to be the basis of resilience. Drawing on social adaptation theory and private-sector Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) concepts and principles, VBEM enhances existing emergency management practice by promoting three transformative actions: 1) Establishing resilience as a whole-of-society policy goal aligned to community values; 2) Structuring the emergency manager’s role to be that of ‘resilience catalyst’; and 3) Empowering community stakeholders to own their requisite share of risk.
Strategic Planning
Shoreline RIsk can move your program from concept to implementation. Our team has designed and developed some of the most successful emergency and risk management programs, including the World Bank Quick Response Team and Save the Children's US Emergency Response program.
Employee, Individual, and Family Disaster Preparedness
Shoreline Risk has supported individual, organizational, and community disaster preparedness efforts by providing program design, training, and education. We can help you craft and implement a comprehensive preparedness campaign, or simply design materials to address the unique hazards, vulnerabilities, and capabilities of any at-risk group or entity. Our past preparedness efforts have included the Hartford, CT regional Get Ready Capitol Region campaign, and the Cowlitz-Wahkiakum (WA) Council of Governments Business Disaster Preparedness Campaign. Our staff is also credited with publishing the first and most widely-acclaimed professional text for designing and implementing a disaster preparedness campaign, and developed the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) course on risk communication.
Business Continuity Planning
We can help your business or organization to become more resilient by facilitating or driving the business continuity planning process. We will help you identify your hazards, measure your risk, understand your vulnerabilities, and map your business processes. Shoreline Risk has driven business continuity planning from the highest to the most local levels. Our clients have included DRI International, Marriott International, the National Disaster Preparedness Training Center, the City of Newland, NC, the International Recovery Platform, and others.